Florida in Fall

Why travel to Florida in the fall you say? How about for less crowds on the beach, cheaper all around (flights, hotels, etc), hotel and condo availability, less driving traffic congestion, less wait time for attractions and restaurants, cooler weather, and unobstructed beach views.

Oregon’s Dramatic Coastline Highway 101

Follow the Highway 101 down 363 miles of breathtaking and dramatic coastline. Home to many quaint little seaside towns, isolated pristine beaches, rugged cliffs, historic lighthouses, sand dunes, and lots of sea life. It remains relatively unspoiled, even today.

Quick Guide to International Travel

Quick guide to International travel. Covering a summary of details like documents, staying safe abroad, and insurance…

6 Essentials to Trip Planning

Quick guide to the 6 essentials of trip planning. Everything from deciding on a destination, when to go, budgeting, developing your plan, things to consider, and even a free Detailed Itinerary Table Chart for you to use. Let’s take those jitters out together and get you moving…